transitive and intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to work, to labour
2 to produce, to take pains
3 to be troubled, to be sick, to be oppressed, to be in distress
transitive and intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to work, to labour
2 to produce, to take pains
3 to be troubled, to be sick, to be oppressed, to be in distress
Locutions, idioms and examples
laboro de aliqua re || laboro alicui, o pro aliquo || laboro ab aliqua re || laboro in aliqua re || laborabat ne … || laboro ut (+ subjunctive) || laboro ne (+ subjunctive) || de alicuius eruditione laboro || laboro frumenta || laboro ex renibus || laboro circa aliquid || laboro annona || laboras minus ac ego || amore nostri laboramus || laboro in famam || laboro letum alicui || annona laborare || capite laborant || commercio laboro || abundantia laboro = to suffer due to an indigestion || laboro ventre || animo laborabat ut || ex aere alieno laboro || aliud est dolere aliud laborare || laboro ex aere alieno || commisisse cavet quod mox mutare laboret || ubi corpus hoc sit non laboro || laboro ab re frumentaria || civitas fenore laborabat || ab re frumentaria laboro = to have difficulty to supply wheat || a frigore et aestu laboro = to be afflicted by the heat and the cold || castrensia pensa laboro || ex pedibus laborare || aratores sibi laborant || laborabat ut reliquas civitates adiungeret || laboro ex aere alieno || ab equite hoste, a pedite laborare = to be placed in danger by the enemy cavalry, by their infantry || ab aratoribus populi Romani, ab eis qui vobis laborant = from the farmers of the Roman people, from those who toil for you || ad desperationem usque medicorum laboro = to feel so ill to take the doctors' hope away || brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio || aut ob avaritiam aut misera ambitione laborat || Caesar in animum induxerat laborare, vigilare || labora sicut bonus miles Christi Iesu || alius (laborat) caeca ambitione et in gladios inruente || laboremus ne hanc temporis pernicissimi celeritatem … relicti demum intellegamus || an malumus Epicurum imitari ? qui multa praeclare saepe dicit ; quam enim sibi convenienter dicat non laborat
lăbōro tr. and intr. v. I conjug.
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