Your search returned the following results:
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 (agency) by
2 (time) since
3 (time) from
4 (time) after
5 (named) after
6 on
7 in
8 (cause, reason) out of
9 (cause, reason) from
10 designating a charge
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 (agency) by
2 (time) since
3 (time) from
4 (time) after
5 (named) after
6 on
7 in
8 (cause, reason) out of
9 (cause, reason) from
10 designating a charge
Locutions, idioms and examples
ab … ad (usque ad) || accipio a = to receive from || ab ovo || aliquid ab aliquo || ab summo = to start from the peak || ab re = inopportune, useless, out of place || ab oriente = to the East || ab ira = due to anger || ab initio = from the beginning, from the start || ab imo = from below || ab hoc = therefore, owing to this, for that reason || a valetudinario = nurse || a bibliotheca = librarian || a me = from my house || ab Opis (aede) = on the side of the temple of Ops || ea abs te parvo curata sunt || ab ineunte aetate || a latere (or a lateribus or ex latere) = on the side, alongside || ab reo dico = to speak in favor of the accused || ab re divina = after the sacrifice || a Marcus Tullio sum = to come from M. Tullius || a materno genere = from the mother's side || a re publica = by means of the State || ab omni, quod … = far from everything that … || ab omni parte = from all sides, in every respect || a more maiorum = according to the customs of the ancients || a prima luce = since dawn || ab eo loco = starting from those words, from that passage || ab ea parte = from this side || a vero, a falso = for truth, for falsehood || a primo mane = early in the morning || a medio ad summum = from the center to the extremities || ab ovo usque ad mala = from the egg to apples (that is from appetizers to fruits, or from the beginning to the end) || ea abs te diligenter parvoque curata sunt || a certo sensu et vero iudicare de aliquo = judge someone with a true and sure sentiment
ā prep.
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